Watch my headphones fall off 3/4 of the way through my solo.
You can get the album and/or DVD here.
BONUS UPDATE… It was pretty damn cool to see David Crosby enjoying this music:
and one more Snarky Puppy …please let yourself go on the sax players ride on Outlier….so totally killer deep…this is their lives
— David Crosby (@thedavidcrosby) September 27, 2014
@Bob_Reynolds holy shit …that's you ….um you for elevating me repeatedly…and ..well ..making me happy and proud of musicians
— David Crosby (@thedavidcrosby) September 30, 2014
Killer solo!! I like the interaction between you and the drummer! Awesome tune (15/4!?! 🙂 ! Do you play on the whole album, “We Like It Here”? I hope you keep jammin’ with Snarky Puppy! Greetings from Minnesota!
Thanks, Mike. Yes, I’m on the whole album.
You were all over it on that solo, even w/o the headphones. Thx
What scales are you using there? It has a very outside sound…
I’m using mostly the green scales, with an occasional sprinkling of red and blue. 😉
Amazing solo! You nail everything that comes your way.
I thought I heard the mauve scale in there too….. Or maybe I’m color deaf!
Everyone knows you can’t use blue scales with red headphones Bob 😉 Too explosive. No wonder the head phones flew off.
Going to use this in my classroom sometime to talk about improv in contemporary music. Great stuff!
That’s it! That was my error…I tried the blue scale! 😉
Speaking of Red Headphones, what are they? I’m looking for some really nice studio ones for myself.
They’re made by Audio-Technica. They donated them to SP for the session. And we got to keep ’em! They’re nice enough. Perhaps bass-heavy (trying to compete w/Beats, I suppose). I still like my Sony MDR-7506s.
Wow!. You made my day! Couldn’t keep from smiling as I listened to your stunning solo.
And now I’m smiling knowing this made you smile. 🙂
This entire track is sooo killin. I would like to transcribe your solo but I’m having a hard time deciding how to break up the 15. Ideally I would like to write it the way you were thinking of it. 2 ways are possible- either 7 + 8 or 6 + 4 + 5…. Or maybe I am just thinking too much? You never cease to amaze with your ability to be lyrical in odd time signatures. Thanks for the music!
It’s actually much simpler: it’s a 5-bar phrase in 3/4. The key is noticing how the bass part outlines the 1-5-1 of each chord in a couple ways.
Nice. I was planning on putting the bass part on there as well to show how well what your playing compliments the rhythm of the bass line. 3/4 it is- Thanks man!
This song is such a Trip!
Wow Such an extroidanary solo Bob i have listened to this song so many times! I have an important question, I know allot of people transcribe solos and i have seen from the research that i have attempted that they have some of your solos transcribed so i was wondering if your solo from this one was transcribed as well and if it is could you inform me on how to get it i would love to learn it. I have been learning a lot of trancripted solos from books like Charlie Parkers Omni Books and i would love for this solo to be one of my items that I can practice.
I have a question about the horn line at 2:18. It *strongly* reminds me of a horn line I’ve heard in another piece of music but I’m wracking my brains trying to find it. Maybe a David Bowie tune? Is it just a coincidence, or was this line riffing on a well known horn line from another piece.
Hmm. Just relistened. Not sure. If you find out let me know.